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A Day in the Life: Nov 10

I awoke with my alarm at 6:15 am. By 6:43 I was ready to get up and take a shower. -A much needed rejuvenating hot shower on a cold November morning. I used my second to last shower steamer, the last of my Herbal Essences White Grapefruit and Mint shampoo, and my method coconut body wash. (I still have some conditioner left in the bottle.) That set me on the right foot. I had cleaned the bathroom yesterday evening. Being clean just feels so nice. <3 While I was getting dressed, I sprayed on some of my "Belle de Nuit" parfum from Fragonard that I got at the Perfume Museum (Musée du Parfum) in Paris. I felt like a walking fashion magazine. (This is a good thing, haha) I brushed my wet hair, put on some eye make up and chapstick, then went downstairs to make myself some breakfast. I had about 10 minutes before I needed to be out of the house. I made some coffee in my Moka pot. Normally I make myself hot lattes, but this morning since I was short on time to warm up and froth my milk, I went for an iced latte to go. I poured some French vanilla syrup into my cup, followed by the coffee and ice, then I added a cup of cherry flavored milk I picked up at King Soopers. I like to try new combinations, and this one was a hit! Excellent decision on my part! :) I also made some blueberry oatmeal with agave. Although, it took me a minute to find the agave syrup since it was moved to a different spot in the pantry.

Today has been unlike most days, however, in more ways than showering AND making myself breakfast. -Just to clarify, I do regularly shower, but during the weekdays it is usually in the evenings before I go to bed.- My day to day life ordinarily consists of watching two mischievous toddler boys. One of them is sick, however, and needed to go to urgent care and will be spending the rest of the day with his dad, and the other one had a doctor's appointment this morning as well. So when I got to work this morning I ate my breakfast while the dogs were eating theirs, saw the older brother off the school and then walked the dogs. Surprisingly calm. I was even able to call my sister-in-law and talk to her and my niece and nephews for a bit. Something I've realized though, is that when I am alone I live a fairly quiet existence. I do sing, but in my natural state I am soft spoken and gentle.

Well at least I had a few hours of peace and quiet to myself. ❤️

Update: I was unexpectedly able to go home early! It was nice to have an easy-going day, a break outside of

the ordinarily chaotic pace I have been running at. My grandma also made salmon for dinner. I would say that this day was delightful!

-Allie Maria


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